
Epoxy penetrating coatings are an essential part of the implementation of a quality stone carpet both in the exterior and interior. The use of an epoxy primer will bond the substrate to the stone carpet. This bonding ensures the longevity of the stone carpet and prevents the stone carpet from peeling away from the substrate.

Penetration is a protective coating that penetrates the substrate, unifies its absorbency and strengthens the substrate. Penetration connects the stone carpet to the substrate.

Penetration can be applied to concrete, stone, andydrite, wood, metal, tiles, as well as other non-absorbent materials.


Epoxy penetrating compound designed for exterior surface priming. This primer is characterized by its versatility - it can be used on all substrates.

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TopFix Interier

Epoxy penetrating compound designed for penetrating interior surfaces. This primer is characterized by low odour.

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TopFix Rapid

Epoxy penetrating compound designed for exterior surface priming. This primer is characterized by very fast curing.

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