Public swimming pool Veselí nad Moravou

The work was carried out in accordance with the tender documentation. The work was carried out in good quality and without defects or shortcomings within the time limit specified in the work contract. The approach of all TOPSTONE employees with whom I communicated, from the installers to the managers, was absolutely professional and flawless.

On behalf of the investor: director of Veselí nad Moravou City Services - Pavel Bouda

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ISO 9001 ISO 14001


Družstevní 442, 753 01 Hranice
+420 580 582 580

ID: 27782239
DIC: CZ27782239

Bank account: 212733206/0300
Registered at the Regional Court in Ostrava on 8 November 2006

Hours of operation:
Monday - Friday: 7:30 - 11:30 / 12:00 - 16:00